Surprise! This is hands down the best coffee flavor I have yet to try. It's sweet but not overpoweringly so, and the coffee flavor isn't a burnt or grounds flavor, but more like an actual cup of joe. It isn't the same as a cup with the flavored creamer in it, but more like that flavored coffee with say 2 packets of sugar in it. Overall I was pretty happy with it until I put it in my Kayfun...
Holy gunked up coils! I wish I had a pic to share of how much crap built up on my microcoil after a day of vaping in my KFL. Probably a good 2mm of char on top of the coil. Even in my dripper I could only get about 2-4 hours of vaping out of it before needing to rewick. Sure, a quick dry burn and a new piece of cotton and I was back on track, but I am a lazy man. Let it be known that the fine folks at MBV do put a Shade Rating chart on each flavor of juice to let you know how fast it can gunk up coils and such. This was a 4/5 on that scale, so no small wonder the coils gunked up. I'd like to find a 5/5 to see what happens then.
If I was a huge coffee fan it would be worth it, because as I said before, this is the only coffee flavor to not let me down. Maybe I'll get it as a standby in the future and wick my dripper with silica so I don't have to change out cotton twice a day. Overall, I'd give the juice a 4/5. Good flavor, not burned assy taste like coffees usually are.
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