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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Great Mt Baker Vapor Review: Hazelnut Coffee

Hazelnut Coffee... Sounds perfect since I use hazelnut creamer all the time, but my past with coffee juices has been less than great, with three of the four tasting like burned grounds (or worse) and the other tasting amazing sometimes and flavorless others. Needless to say I put this into my dripper not expecting much.

Surprise! This is hands down the best coffee flavor I have yet to try. It's sweet but not overpoweringly so, and the coffee flavor isn't a burnt or grounds flavor, but more like an actual cup of joe. It isn't the same as a cup with the flavored creamer in it, but more like that flavored coffee with say 2 packets of sugar in it. Overall I was pretty happy with it until I put it in my Kayfun...

Holy gunked up coils! I wish I had a pic to share of how much crap built up on my microcoil after a day of vaping in my KFL. Probably a good 2mm of char on top of the coil. Even in my dripper I could only get about 2-4 hours of vaping out of it before needing to rewick. Sure, a quick dry burn and a new piece of cotton and I was back on track, but I am a lazy man. Let it be known that the fine folks at MBV do put a Shade Rating chart on each flavor of juice to let you know how fast it can gunk up coils and such. This was a 4/5 on that scale, so no small wonder the coils gunked up. I'd like to find a 5/5 to see what happens then.

If I was a huge coffee fan it would be worth it, because as I said before, this is the only coffee flavor to not let me down. Maybe I'll get it as a standby in the future and wick my dripper with silica so I don't have to change out cotton twice a day. Overall, I'd give the juice a 4/5. Good flavor, not burned assy taste like coffees usually are.

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